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Moon and you: Lunar cycle and its effects on you

Moon and you: Lunar cycle and its effects on you

The moon, our celestial companion, has captivated humanity for centuries. From folklore to scientific inquiry, its impact on our lives remains a fascinating topic. Intriguing observations hint at potential connections between the lunar cycle and human health. Let’s delve into this lunar mystery.


Biological Rhythms and the Moon: All organisms, including human beings, follow a natural biological cycle. Our well-known circadian rhythm (the 24-hour sleep-wake cycle) and infradian rhythms (such as the 28-day menstrual cycle) are usually influenced by internal and external factors. Owing to the fact that our bodies are predominantly water (55% to 78%), the moon’s gravitational pull might affect us, akin to ocean tides. Research reveals that certain species align their biological cycles with the lunar cycle. In fact, marine animals like tropical corals time their reproductive cycles based on moon phases! It has become a recent trend to track menstrual cycles along with the lunar phases. Mobile apps like Stardust are known for this very feature. 


Human Behavior and the Moon: There are tons of anecdotal tales linking full moons to increased birth rates, emergency room visits, and crime spikes. However, scientific studies on human beings have yielded conflicting results. This topic is controversial due to the lack of consistent evidence, as on one hand people report feeling more motivated during full moons while others state feeling irritable. The possibilities remain intriguing and endless. 


Harnessing lunar phases: There is no doubt that using the moon’s environmental influences to our advantage can result in a positive outcome. Here are some activities to enjoy when you want to connect better with the enigmatic celestial body that revolves around our planet. 


Sleep patterns: Pay attention to your sleep during different lunar phases.

Mindful connection: Use moon phases as reminders for mindfulness and reflection.

Outdoor activities: Enjoy moonlit nights for stargazing or meditation.

Lunar rituals: Create personal rituals around the moon’s cycles.

Moon water: Prepare water for consumption or baths by letting it soak in moonlight


In our journey through this lunar enigma, remember that science may not provide all the answers, but the moon’s allure will continue to bewitch us with its power and charm.